Dawn of War 2 Winlive-Firewall-Lösung

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Registriert: 11.10.2002, 19:52
Wohnort: Lüneburg

Dawn of War 2 Winlive-Firewall-Lösung

Beitrag von Hyaena » 31.01.2009, 12:03

Exakt das war wohl das Problem. Nach Freigabe kann ich ingame in Winlive einloggen. Fragt sich nur, ob die Freigabe des Kerberos Protokolls andere Probleme mit sich bringen könnte :gruebel:
I had a very similar problem to this with Dawn of War 2 Beta.

I couldnt log into Games for Windows - Live without my Firewall being switched off. After login, i could switch the Firewall back on.

Being unsatisfied with this work-around and finding no help on the forums, i spent several hours trying to find the Problem.

I found that my Firewall (sunbelt) blocked "Kerberos Protocol" traffic by default.

By permitting Kerberos Protocol traffic, i can now sign onto Live without turning my Firewall off.

I found this Protocol blocked in a predefined Network security tab of my Firewall. You should be able to allow Kerberos traffic with Sygate.

Hopefully this solves your problem.
