Hell Let Loose

Wie der Titel schon verrät - für die anderen Spiele halt.

Moderatoren: Icho Tolot, Moderatoren

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13314
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 09.06.2022, 07:44

Neuer Inhalt für Update 12 angekündigt :wow:

+++ Neue Commander Funktionen wie Munitionsabwurf & Präzisons Airstrike (schaut euch das Video der Stuka angriffe an :wow: )
+++ Omaha Beach endlich als Warfare Map :applause:

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 2119902236

New Weapon - Flare Guns
New Commander Abilities - Precision Strike and Ammo Drop
New Vehicle - US "M4A3 75w" Medium Tank
Reintroduced - German Panther Tank
New Camo - German Tiger Tank
Half-track MGs
New Map - Remagen Map
Night Maps (Foy, Purple Heart Lane, Hurtgen Forest, Kursk)
Improvements to existing maps (Kursk, Omaha Beach)
New FX (Blood hits, Artillery explosion and more)
Additional improvements (Reload Interrupts, Fortification Snapping, Smoother Vaulting, MG Deployment and more)

bin echt gespannt auf Update 12, wird dem Spiel nochmal ordentlich Schub geben!
Bild Bild Bild Bild

[FtN|GT] Die Happy
Beiträge: 2841
Registriert: 10.04.2005, 17:51
Wohnort: Aachen

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von [FtN|GT] Die Happy » 09.06.2022, 08:08

Additional improvements (Reload Interrupts, Fortification Snapping, Smoother Vaulting, MG Deployment and more)
da bin ich ja mal gespannt, weil das sind wirklich gute Verbesserungen die wirklich teilweise extreme nervig waren.
Take my love, take my land / Take me where I cannot stand / I don't care, I'm still free / You can't take the sky from me /
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie Ausdrucken, Laminieren, Einrahmen und behalten

Beiträge: 1909
Registriert: 06.05.2003, 20:34
Wohnort: Kempten / Allgäu

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von Pionic » 10.06.2022, 20:31

Ist bei euch immer noch so viel los? Lohnt ein Einsteigen noch?
Die deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, aber nicht Open Source. Das bedeutet: Du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen, du darfst sie aber nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen. Klar soweit?

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13314
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 10.06.2022, 23:08

wir spielen es immer mal wieder - zur Zeit spielen wir halt "The Cycle Frontier" (vor 3 Tagen released)... also gerade jetzt zur Zeit ist schlecht, wenn das Update 12 kommt, wird es denke ich einen ordentlichen Schub geben.
Bild Bild Bild Bild

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13314
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 06.12.2022, 19:50

Hey everyone,

The day is upon us, Update 13 ‘Burning Snow’, is out now across all platforms!

Burning Snow brings fast and fiery warfare to the game with Flamethrowers and Molotovs, as well as jeeps for all factions; landing alongside a brand new winter map, Kharkov, new Winter Uniforms, and an exciting new DLC pack.

Check out the official teaser for Update 13, Burning Snow and the changelog below:

Update 13 Changelog

Added Soviet T-70 Light Tank
Added Jeeps to all factions:

Faction Vehicles
GER Kubelwagen
US Willys Jeep


Added Flamethrowers:

Faction Role Level
GER Support Level 8
US Support Level 8

Added Molotovs:

Faction Role Level
SOV Assault Level 9
SOV Support Level 6
SOV Automatic Rifleman Level 3
SOV Rifleman Level 6

DP-27 buff - Reduced recoil while brace firing from 0.75 to 0.2 and increased damage from 65 at 75 meters to 100 at 150 meters

Added Lend-Lease Bazooka loadout for Soviet Anti-Tank Level 8

Added Kharkov - Warfare - Offensive GER - Warfare SOV
Added fire damage logic to preplaced fire assets across all maps

Added persistent dismantle progression (saves progress for 5 seconds of inactivity)
Added shared dismantle progression (dismantles faster the more people there are assisting)
Improved Satchel placement logic
Improved Satchel damage consistency
Vehicle engines now drown when being submerged in water
Added new achievements:
Frozen Fields
You... Shall Not... Spawn!
Who's Garry?
Fast Track Delivery
Track and Trace
One Hit Wonder!
Extra Crispy Please
Fight Fire with Fire
This Is a Flammenwerfer, It Werfs Flammen
Hans! Get Ze Flammenwerfer!
Disco Inferno!
Molotov Party!
Za Zdorovie!
Jeep Let Loose
Drop it Like Its Hot!
Dear Devs...
Liar, Liar, Pants of Fire!
Like a Moth to a Flame...
Get that Windshield Up!
Rollin' In The Jeep

Skull Bucket DLC:

GER - Paratrooper Fallschirmjäger M38
GER - Double Decal Police M35
US - 101st Airborne 506th PIR Paratrooper M1
US - 29th Infantry Division M1
SOV - 1941 Model Blockaded Leningrad Helmet
SOV - M36 Budenovka Winter Cap

Winter Warfare DLC:

GER - Winter Covered Fallschirmjäger M38
US - Winter Covered M1
SOV - Winter Covered SSh-40
SOV - Winter Toques

Base Winter Uniforms:

US - M1943 Winter Uniform
SOV - Ameba Winter Uniform
GER - Heer Schneetarnjacke Winter Smok

Base Winter Helmets:

GER - White Painted M42
US - White Painted M1
SOV - Winter Painted SSh-36
SOV - Winter Painted SSh-40
SOV - White Ushanka
SOV - White Tied Ushanka

Added the ability to set cosmetic presets in the Barracks and Loadout screens
Added additional non-verbal comms:
Precision Strike
Request Ammo

Refactored the animation system to use fewer bones per character mesh
Particle and decal FX optimization
Improved LoDs for vehicles

Added variation to the Bombing Run explosion FX

OPs/Garrisons/Half-tracks radio effect now fades to static noise when overrun by the enemy
Added UI SFX for deploy countdown in the final 3 seconds

Refactored a new animation system. This should result in increased performance and smoother animations in TPP

Server Administration
Map rotations now allow for duplicate entries of the same map
Added ability for admins to direct message players via RCON
Added RCON command to display game state information (team sizes, score, remaining time, current map, next map)
Steam64ID is now displayed in the Connect/Disconnect log
[Fixed] Temporary Bans Not Removed From RCon List Once Ban Timer Expires

Bug Fixes
[Fixed] Fix for the long standing ‘Loadout Bug’
[Fixed] Fix for the long standing ‘Grenade Bug’
[Fixed] Method which allowed non-recon roles to spawn on a Recon OP
Improved ‘Shots Hit’ statistic to not count structures/vehicles shot with firearms
[Fixed] Drivers can no longer turn off the engine to ‘stealth roll’ long distances in vehicles
[Fixed] Incorrect plane used to drop Ammo Drop for RUS/GER
[Fixed] The deploy button disappears when the player resigns the Commander role then creates/joins another unit without changing the role
[Fixed] The Russian Commander Fuel abilities list order isn't consistent and changes
[Fixed] Satchel Charges won't destroy barbed wire at certain distances
[Fixed] German Fuel Nodes are unable to be destroyed with Satchel Charges
[Fixed] Gunshot SFX can still be heard after the player that is shooting with certain weapons dies
[Fixed] The "Back" button in the Barracks menu does not work correctly immediately after a new favorite role is selected
[Fixed] 'Resign as commander' button doesn't disappear after rejoining previously created armor/recon unit
[Fixed] Panther (German Heavy) has a shorter cooldown after spawning it compared to the Tiger
[Fixed] Machine gun cannot be mounted in specific type of buildings across all the maps
[Fixed] Receiving an invite/request while on the deploy screen will block a player from leaving the loadout menu once accessed
[Fixed] [FPP] The German Small Ammunition box, Medical Supplies box and Explosive Ammo box have identical models when held in hand
[Fixed] "This sector is locked" hint triggers unproperly in deployment screen
[Fixed] Some achievements contain spelling errors
[Fixed] "Rain Hell" achievement does not unlock when killing 10 players with one projectile of the Katyusha strike
[Fixed] Attempting to join a server through a direct link does not launch the game or connect the player to a server if the game is running
[Fixed] Joining servers through the Steam Servers option with the game closed will leave the player on the Front-End
[Fixed] The player is unable to join a server through another player or by an invite when using the Steam Overlay
[Fixed] Muzzle flash FX is missing from DP-27 Machine Gun
[Fixed] US Medium Tank M4A3 has no SFX when colliding with objects
[Fixed] At very specific angles Trucks would sometimes not receive damage
[Fixed] Floating fireball is visible after vehicle engines are damaged and repaired
[Fixed] Tanks moving in reverse will automatically change to Gear 1 when the tracks are destroyed
[Fixed] Player doesn't get AFK kick after he already received one if the idle time is changed via RCon
[Fixed] Satchel damage against Belgian gates is inconsistent
[Fixed] Walking into supply truck crates causes the dropping sound effect to be played
[Fixed] AP and HE shells are unable to suppress enemy players
[Fixed] Supply box achievements count boxes placed instead of total supplies provided
[Fixed] Destroying the Panther rewards the player with the wrong combat score
[Fixed] Hull and coaxial machine guns do not reload after exiting and entering during reloading
[Fixed] Opening the game in windowed mode with certain resolutions will cause the top bar to appear off screen
[Fixed] Closing scoreboard while opening personal stats page will cause scoreboard to not appear
[Fixed] Choosing the Bill Head on a US role equips the player with the Hans Head from the German side
[Fixed] Kills With The RG-42 Grenade and Mk2 Grenade Are Not Recorded If Thrown Post Death
[Fixed] Soldiers don't have 3rd person animation for vertical aiming movements on specific map HQs
[Fixed] Head rotates unnaturally after being revived
[Fixed] The Russian Half-Track appears in the wrong part of the Russian Commander ability list
[Fixed] No animation transition present when ADS with Flare Gun
[Fixed] Some helmets fall through the ground after a player is headshot

[Fixed] Some crater assets allowed players to see under the terrain

Purple Heart Lane
[Fixed] Player can spawn into closed house in C8
[Fixed] Invisible wall collision is present on a section of stone wall along the main road

[Fixed] Rubble can be seen through when prone
[Fixed] There is a kill volume in sector E10 that makes vehicles disappear
[Fixed] Misaligned Train
[Fixed] Multiple visual issues around a trench
[Fixed] There is a large misaligned dirt pile near a German Bunker
[Fixed] Mud embankment along road is misaligned in multiple places

[Fixed] Light can be see shining through the ground
[Fixed] Floating grass is present in certain areas
[Fixed] Misaligned terrain texture present in sector C9
[Fixed] A pair of wooden gates are not connected to any fence
[Fixed] The artillery shells are misaligned with the terrain
[Fixed] Two metal barrels in certain location are clipping through a wooden fence

[Fixed] Players can clip into a specific metal roof and hide from enemies
[Fixed] One of the buildings in the vicinity of the Nail Factory lacks collision below the staircase on the ground floor

Repair stations spawn in American HQs on US-Offensive
[Fixed] Some hedge instances being able to block bullets

Known Key Issues

Infrequently a player’s face texture may become misaligned

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter @hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

We also wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the recent PTE sessions and provided feedback ahead of release, we appreciate the time you take to share your experiences.

Now it’s time to bring the heat with Update 13! We’ll see you all on the frontline!
Hey Everyone,

It's time for another update from the trenches! After the rollout of the first two U13 PTEs, with players having their first hands-on experience with most of the U13 content, we have a LOT to highlight here today, including; the U13 release date, a new full time Community Manager, animation optimisation, Steam free weekend, and the new premium DLC bundle that will be rolling out alongside U13.

Update 13 ‘Burning Snow’ Release date Tuesday December 6th!

Time is almost upon us, as many have noticed over the last few months we have been highlighting and in some cases sneak peeking into the upcoming Burning Snow update for Hell Let Loose.

This week, we are excited to confirm that the update will be going live on Tuesday the 6th of December, across all platforms!

Burning Snow has some great features which we think players new and old alike will enjoy. We feel that providing a brief summary of some of the items in the update might be worthwhile for you all to get a glimpse of what is coming before Tuesday, December 6th.

Some of the items to watch out for in the new ‘Burning Snow’ update include:

New Vehicles:
T-70 Light Tank
Jeeps for all factions USA, Germany and Soviet

New Weapons:
US: M2-2 Flamethrower
GER: Flammenwerfer41
SOV: Molotovs
SOV: Bazooka

New Map:
Kharkov (Snow map)

Additional Improvements:
Updated and improved Player Animations
Updated and improved Uniform Loadout presets
UI Improvements

And a host of fixes and bugs squashed. In addition to the above, lots of work has been done to iron out a magnitude of small items like minor terrain glitches etc.

The above is merely a short summary of the bulk of the Burning Snow update. Upon release, we will disclose the full changelog which illustrates in detail all the improvements and changes made with this latest update.

Welcome to WombatMedic, the new Full Time Community Manager!

Throughout the last 12 months, both the Hell Let Loose team and community have continued to expand, and as part of that growth, we are thrilled to welcome and introduce Alisha ‘WombatMedic’, as our new full time Community Manager!

Alisha will be dedicated to supporting you on the frontlines, and has already been working away behind the scenes for several weeks and can’t wait to meet you all.

She’ll be jumping into Discord chat today to introduce herself, so head over there and give her a warm welcome!

Free Weekend December 01

Starting December 1st, there will be a free weekend for Hell Let Loose on all platforms. If you have a friend or family member that is keen to hit the trenches on the frontlines of HLL, this weekend will give them the opportunity to do so for a limited time, for free.

Hell Let Loose
Hell Let Loose
ShooterActionEgo-ShooterZweiter WeltkriegMehrspieler
27. Juli 2021
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Hell Let Loose

Animation Optimisation - Bones Rework

Amongst the quality of life updates we are implementing to U13 we have included the first iteration of an animation optimisation improvement. This is done through a rework of the animation bones used in the player models.

The purpose of the animation optimisation is to improve the look and feel of the animations, whilst optimising the performance of the third-person skeleton.

First, we optimised the TPP skeleton by removing excess bones which reduces draw calls and improves performance. This involved removing about 20 bones on the skeleton. This reduces calls by more than 2000 per frame to help boost fps. Next we added twist bone constraints and re-skinned all the skeletal meshes for more accurate bone placement. This improves fidelity of mesh deformation and makes for smoother animation visuals. Arms and legs bend cleaner and animations appear smoother and more natural.

Helmet Pack - Skull Bucket

With the release of Update 13 we are also rolling out a new DLC cosmetics pack for players to purchase and enjoy. With the adept name of ‘Skull Bucket’, this DLC pack will feature 2 unique helmets for each faction of US, Germany and Soviet forces. The helmets include the following:
US - 101st Airborne 506th PIR Paratrooper M1
US - 29th Infantry Division M1
Germany - Paratrooper M38 Fallschirmjäger Helmet
Germany - M35 Double Decal Police Helmet
Soviet - 1941 Model Blockaded Leningrad Helmet
Soviet - M36 Budenovka Winter Cap

Let's take a look at how these helmets look with some detailed renders by our character artist.

US - 101st Airborne 506th PIR Paratrooper M1

US - 29th Infantry Division M1

Germany - M35 Double Decal Police Helmet

Germany - Paratrooper M38 Fallschirmjäger Helmet

Soviet - 1941 Model Blockaded Leningrad Helmet

Soviet - M36 Budenovka Winter Cap

Community Highlight

Today, we are giving a shout out to the HLL Seasonal competition, which has been running for some time now, with many groups involved. The Seasonal has been a great insight into the competitive side of HLL. If you are curious, you can check it out below.

The HLL Seasonal Tournament, one of the largest worldwide community driven competitions, is returning for its fifth edition. Pitting 33 teams in 90 games over the course of 16 weeks, the HLL Seasonal Fall 2022 edition will once again be the peak of competitive HLL.

Again, the world's top teams fight for the fall crown in 4 stages: First, second, main and the feared play-off stage, with the event currently being in the main stage. All the games are being broadcast - check out discord.gg/hllseasonal for more information on where to catch the games live.

The Discord is also the best place for any additional content regarding the HLL Seasonal: make your predictions on the games, follow the map eliminations, and come support your team! The HLL Seasonal has, as always, a wide variety of casters from all over the world, which will cover most matches in English - and some in German, French, Spanish, Chinese and more. If you have missed a match, you may find some of them in #replayschannel of the HLL Seasonal Discord.

YouTube™-Video: Fall Seasonal 2022 | Hell Let Loose Tournament Trailer
Aufrufe: 370
The Hell Let Loose Fall Seasonal of 2022 are upon us! The event this time, is being honored with 33 teams and 3.3K+ players participating over multiple months.

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos

Time for some more community highlights from the below creators. We highly recommend giving them a watch.
If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Most Chaotic Game Of Hell Let Loose I've Played - TallGrass

YouTube™-Video: Most Chaotic Game Of Hell Let Loose I've Played
Aufrufe: 13.133
Join The TallGrass Discord Now! https://discord.gg/Vq6Mtz8T3b Follow my twitter for more frequent updates https://twitter.com/TallGrassHusk Thanks for the support as I continue to make these videos...

Battle Highlights: Carentan Offensive - November 9, 2022 - SoulSniper

YouTube™-Video: Battle Highlights: Carentan Offensive - November 9, 2022
Aufrufe: 2.032
This battle took place on November 9, 2022 on my server, and boy was it brutal! The US team just couldn't stop the Blitzkrieg in this Carentan Offensive game!

Hell Let Loose Gameplay and Laughs 16 - Tiger_Mafia Gaming

YouTube™-Video: Hell Let Loose Gameplay and Laughs 16
Aufrufe: 299
LOTS of invoking the spirit of Jesus in this, but to be fair, that Panzerschreck shot was just disrespectful. Also, how to shoot someone out of a truck verses how not to.

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter @hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to free up some SSD space for U13 and wrap up today's Dev Brief.
See you all on the frontline!
Hey everyone,

Last week we caught a glimpse of the new winter map, Kharkov, and the first iteration on the base for our future winter uniforms. With just enough time to take a quick breath, the programmers and artists have been able to share some more on the content for our next update.

In today’s brief, we’re heating things up with flamethrowers for the US and Axis, Molotovs for the Soviets, jeeps for all factions and a peek at the new cosmetic loadout preset options. Let's take a look at these latest items, starting with Flames and Fastmovers!


Feeling the chill on the frontline? Here’s something you can warm up to!
The team are excited for the addition of Flamethrowers and Molotovs for use on the frontlines, which will surely bring out some great action and visuals to the fields of combat.

WIP of the Flammenwerfer41 Being put to work

The flamethrowers are brutal pieces of equipment that will make short work of infantry in close quarters action.

The flamethrowers will not only set troops, but also the surrounding area alight. Due to its power the flamethrowers can only be used in a brace fire stance. These flame-dealing units will allow the user to wield their stream of flames for approximately 20 seconds of sustained fire until it needs to be replenished with fuel.

Not only if you are directly hit by the flamethrower, burning items around its path will also inflict damage to the unwary. The area of effect that is burning will be a big discouragement for any troops who dare to walk in the path of any area alight with flames as it will cause damage. If you like the sound of a flamethrower in your kit and want to ‘get your burn on’, then you will have to work for it!. Initially, with the implementation of flamethrowers, only the US and German Support role at level 10 will be able to equip this sizzling piece of equipment.

There will be two models of the flamethrower. Let's take a look at them together below:

WIP pictures of the Flamethrowers. The left unit is a US: M2-2 Flamethrower. The right unit is a German: Flammenwerfer41

Close quarters combat will become even more brutal, as this US soldier using a M2-2 Flamethrower demonstrates.

This Axis soldier is ensuring the building is clear with the Flammenwerfer41

Trench warfare will take on a whole new meaning with Flamethrowers deployed at the front.


A handy item about the size of a grenade and throwable at your enemy, Molotovs were a cheap and popular item of use during most battles on the frontlines. Soviets will have greater access to this weapon compared to the US/Axis’ fiery flamethrower counterpart, with Molotovs being available to the Soviet Support role at level 6 and the Assault at level 9.

Although shorter than a flamethrower in its duration, the Molotov, when used correctly, will have your foes running in fear. A single direct hit on enemy troops will easily add to the throwers kill count alongside setting the immediate area alight. Like flamethrowers, if unwary troops stand on burning ground they will receive a nasty bite of fire damage for their troubles.

Molotovs were a cheap and popular item of use during most battles on the frontlines.

WIP - Soviet Troop hurling Molotovs into a trench.

Crispy Critters

To complement the fire breathing flamethrower and pocket paraffin Molotovs, we have also introduced an initial implementation of new uniform texturing to reflect characters being hit by these weapons.

A WIP picture of a charred Axis soldier pondering his next move.

Ground environments, vehicles, and even bodies will burn for a time after being hit with flame weapons.

Vehicles: Including Willys Jeep, Kubelwagen and Gaz-67

We are also pleased to showcase these new vehicles, especially the Jeeps! As our backers and veterans will know, jeeps were one of the first vehicles we had shown. We never intended on taking this long to introduce them to the game, however, we are now happy to announce their much anticipated inclusion.

Each faction will now have a jeep option; the US with the Willys, Axis with the Kubelwagen and the Soviets with the Gaz-67 to round out this trio.



Willys Jeep

Traverse the wintry terrain.

Being small and nimble will be the biggest asset for jeeps.

Not only as a mode of transport, the jeeps will also offer a limited ammunition resupply for troops on the ground. This is done by the driver of the jeep (when parked) and selecting to deploy ammo, in a similar way that a truck drops supplies. These vehicles can drop 2 ammo boxes before requiring a ‘return to base’ re-supply. The ammo box functions similar to the ammo crates dropped by the Commander although they come in smaller quantities allowing for only 6 resupplies.

Being able to quickly drop their supply then move off is a major benefit for jeeps deploying ammo.

Loadout presets

With the addition of a new snow map we thought that now would be a great time to allow players the ability to set cosmetic presets. Now when accessing the loadout screen players will be greeted with a “Preset #1” and “Preset #2” option below the Appearance tab. Switching between presets will remember your last configured cosmetics for that preset, allowing players for example to create a preset wearing snow camouflage that they can easily switch to when moving from a lush green environment to a snowy one.

PTE For Update 13 Next Week!

With progress coming along nicely, we’re excited to announce the beginning of PTE testing for Update 13, with the first session kicking off next week. We will endeavour to message early in the week as to the exact date and time of the PTE.

As always, we greatly appreciate all who participate, whether it’s to provide valuable feedback and bug reports, or simply help out with the numbers to test server loads and other items. We’ll also be jumping into battle amongst the ranks on the day, so if you have the time or are just curious, we would love to hear from you!

If this is your first time wanting to participate in a PTE, you’ll need to head over to the Discord where you can find information on how to join and get notifications on when a testing period is live. A full changelog can be viewed in the HLL official discord in the #pte-Info channel on the day.

A quick reminder of what’s included:
New Map Kharkov
Winter Base Uniforms for all factions
Fastmovers - Willys Jeep, Kubelwagen and Gaz-67
Soviet T-70 Light Tank
Appearance loadout option for uniforms
Various QOL items
And a host of other gameplay improvements and fixes

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos

Time for some more community highlights from the below creators! We highly recommend giving them a watch!

If you see a Video you like, make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Hell Let Loose - WW2 through a Sniper's Scope - Alpine Sniper

YouTube™-Video: Hell Let Loose - WW2 through a Sniper's Scope
Aufrufe: 19.701
❄️Thanks for watching! Stay Frosty!❄️ 💬Discord Link: https://discord.io/AlpineSniperOfficial SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ➡️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4020380& ... nding=true ➡️Merch store:...

Player Interactions In Hell Let Loose Are GOLD - TallGrass

YouTube™-Video: Player Interactions In Hell Let Loose Are GOLD
Aufrufe: 14.654
The sad story of players in Hell Let Loose trying to survive and leave the war behind them. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the TallGrass..


Aufrufe: 54.602
Hell Let Loose in 2022 is much better, and I finally like the game. ► Watch this bonus video - https://youtu.be/FNYnPOPG7ZU ► I need to feed my kids - https://www.nexus.gg/tan2 ► Click These Links!

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you can find their details below. Like our Discord, you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter @hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to hop into our jeep and speed away to wrap up today's Dev Brief.
See you all on the frontline!
Hey Everyone,

The team is still hard at work on all sides, with both update 13 and the Commonwealth update, making some great progress.

In today's brief, we look at keeping your cool on the frontline in U13 as we take a deep dive into the frosty fields of the new snow map Kharkov and Winter Uniforms to suit. We are also pleased to announce some exciting changes to the existing Winter Warfare Free DLC pack. Without further ado, let's dig in.

New Map: Kharkov (Winter)

As mentioned above, we have been working hard on the new winter map Kharkov. This map is polishing up great and we are excited to implement another snow map into the game.

Kharkov combines a hybrid of the armour oriented gameplay of Kursk, featuring wide open fields, hills and Stalingrad’s industrial gameplay; including railroads, bridges and Soviet urbanization complimented with deeper valleys, foliage and marshlands all set in a deep winter environment to make this map a unique experience. We feel players will relish the varieties of combat that this new frontline will offer. Let's take a quick glance at a brief slice of the history of Kharkov in WW2.

The First of four major Battles of Kharkov were fought as part of the final phase of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the USSR, which had started on 22 June, 1941. During that battle, the German Sixth Army took the important city where the legendary Soviet T-34 tank had been designed and built. Although, it was discovered that most of Kharkov’s industrial plant had been moved before the city fell. Many more bloody battles raged over this area until, finally, after the successful defense at Kursk, the Soviet forces were able to push out Axis troops for the last time.

Set in winter, the Kharkov map should be a welcome addition to the frontline of Hell Let Loose for U13. Let's take a look at some locations on this map.

Lighting fires in the street is a great way for soldiers to stay warm on the frontlines.

Kharkov will definitely have a very cold feeling to it.

Farmhouses can be a great means of cover, dashing between each one during a firefight will get your blood pumping.

With open fields, treelines, fences, housing and even a railway line, there will be plenty of places for troops and vehicles alike to be moving.

Ruined buildings will make great places to hide from the enemy.

Winter Base Uniforms (All Factions)

With the implementation of more snow maps in Hell Let Loose, we feel it is time that players have a chance to get the appropriate winter uniforms. For U13 there will be a new array of base winter uniforms and helmets to complement the addition of more snow filled maps. These new uniforms are a new standard addition to the game, and will appear in your barracks after the update is live. The uniforms will include the following:

US - M1943 Winter Uniform with M1 Winter Helmet

Germany - Heer SchneetarnJacke Winter Smok with M42 Winter Helmet

Soviet - Ameba Winter Uniform with SSH-40 Winter Helmet

Revamped Winter Warfare DLC

With the addition of Kharkov as a winter map, and new base winter uniforms. We are pleased to announce that the team has undertaken a revamp of the existing ‘Winter Warfare’ Free DLC pack. The revamp will see the removal of the two existing helmets and the inclusion of three new helmets. The existing helmets, which were the white M1 and white M42 from the old Winter Warfare pack; will go into the base uniform selection and be available to all players.

The new helmets for the updated Winter Warfare Free DLC bundle will include:

Covered M1 Winter Helmet

M38 Fallschirmjäger Winter Helmet

SSH-40 Covered Winter Helmet

If you already have the Winter Warfare Free DLC pack, these three new helmets will automatically appear in your barracks to use when the ‘new’ Winter Warfare Free DLC bundle goes live.

Likewise, if you do not already have the Winter Warfare Free DLC pack, keep an eye on our socials and the Steam store, for it will be appearing as a limited time seasonal offer.

Silver Vanguard DLC M42 Helmet inclusion update

Since our announcement of the inclusion of the M42 helmet with goggles to the Silver Vanguard (PC) DLC, we have noticed some people having issues obtaining this new addition. If you cannot see the helmet in your barracks and have the Silver Vanguard DLC on PC, you will need to do the following:

In the Steam Library, Right-Click the game and choose Properties.
Choose DLC at the bottom of the list
Check the box in the Install column next to the M42 with Motorcycle Goggles DLC

Hell Let Loose – Silver Vanguard
Hell Let Loose – Silver Vanguard
SimulationActionIndieStrategieBlut und Verstümmelung
27. Juli 2021
In den Warenkorb
Hell Let Loose – Silver Vanguard

Community Content

Something a little different for the ‘Community Content’ in this week's brief. During his limited free time one of our artists has been able to make a 3d printed model of a HLL asset he created, the M30 Howitzer. The end result looks quite sharp.

In engine render of the 122mm M30 Howitzer

Side view In engine render of the 122mm M30 Howitzer

Rear View of the printed M30 by Fran

Front View of the printed M30 by Fran

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos
Time for some more community highlights from the below creators. We highly recommend giving them a watch.
If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

This game chose Realism over Gameplay - TBAG [Epic Gaming]

YouTube™-Video: This game chose Realism over Gameplay
Aufrufe: 1.888.838
I found a D-day server and I picked the German Sniper class... ENJOY! :D ➤Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBagGamingYT ➤Discord: https://discord.gg/tbag ➤Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tbaggaming/...

This game is on a different level - monoespacial

YouTube™-Video: This game is on a different level
Aufrufe: 35.138
A really good match in HLL is unparalleled by other games. Buy HLL or other games and support the channel: www.nexus.gg/monoespacial Mono's Game Club Podcast: 🎧 Spotify...

Hell Let Loose - When you turn the Sniper Class to 100 - Alpine Sniper

YouTube™-Video: Hell Let Loose - When you turn the Sniper Class to 100
Aufrufe: 221.398
❄️Thanks for watching! Stay Frosty!❄️ 💬Discord Link: https://discord.io/AlpineSniperOfficial SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ➡️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4020380& ... nding=true ➡️Merch store:...

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter @hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to warm up and wrap up today's Dev Brief. See you all on the frontline!q
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Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13314
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 05.05.2023, 16:01

ab 25.5 gibt es ein update, da werde ich mir denke ich mal wieder vor kramen:

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 2756086327

El Alamein wir als Map kommen! :applause:

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Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13314
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 01.06.2023, 11:36

Hier gibt es Ingame Videos!

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Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13314
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Re: Hell Let Loose

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 02.01.2025, 19:44

Zur Zeit Kostenlos bei Epic!


Werde es bestimmt irgendwann wieder anspielen, ist wie Battlefield bzw. FH nur Taktischer, schwieriger und Temaspeak Absprache ist Pflicht.
Hatten schon sehr viele schöne spannende Public Runden. Ist das einzige Spiel was mich an die gute alte Battlefield Zeit mit den Clanspielen erinnert hat!

Tobruk kommt 2025

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