Bugfreies BF1 ... hahaha ... hier die Patchnotes ;)

Alles über den WW1-Shooter und seine Erweiterungen

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Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 24.02.2017, 10:47

ich hab bis jetzt auch noch nicht den Eindruck gehabt das man mir den Tank wegschnappt bzw. konnte immer noch etwas konfigurieren. Ich hab auch ehrlich nicht den Eindruck das man bei BF1 länger warten muss als bei BF3/4 bis ein Tank spawnt.
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Icho Tolot
Beiträge: 3655
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Wohnort: düsseldorf

Beitrag von Icho Tolot » 28.02.2017, 18:33

Seit dem Patch kein einziges Mal einen Tank im Startscreen erwischt. Erst ist der Button grau, dann wird er aktiv, ich klicke schon vorher schnellstens wie wild und trotzdem lande ich ohne Ausnahme zu Fuß auf dem Feld während neben mir der Motor des Panzers startet.
War vor dem Patch nicht so. :gruebel:

Icho Tolot

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 28.02.2017, 18:39

mach mal Spiel reparieren!
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Schnauze Gullasch
Beiträge: 2719
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Wohnort: Im Exil in Karlsruhe

Beitrag von Eterion » 28.02.2017, 20:26

Icho Tolot hat geschrieben:Seit dem Patch kein einziges Mal einen Tank im Startscreen erwischt. Erst ist der Button grau, dann wird er aktiv, ich klicke schon vorher schnellstens wie wild und trotzdem lande ich ohne Ausnahme zu Fuß auf dem Feld während neben mir der Motor des Panzers startet.
War vor dem Patch nicht so. :gruebel:

Icho Tolot
Dito, nur gaaaanz selten wenn beim Respawn mal ein Fahrzeug verfügbar ist...
"I want scotch, american scotch! From scotland!"

Beiträge: 2131
Registriert: 24.06.2005, 19:06

Beitrag von tequilio » 28.02.2017, 23:17

Eterion hat geschrieben:
Icho Tolot hat geschrieben:Seit dem Patch kein einziges Mal einen Tank im Startscreen erwischt. Erst ist der Button grau, dann wird er aktiv, ich klicke schon vorher schnellstens wie wild und trotzdem lande ich ohne Ausnahme zu Fuß auf dem Feld während neben mir der Motor des Panzers startet.
War vor dem Patch nicht so. :gruebel:

Icho Tolot
Dito, nur gaaaanz selten wenn beim Respawn mal ein Fahrzeug verfügbar ist...
Blödestes bespiel was du da hernimmst, da am Anfang der Runde rund 20 Leute auf die Fahrzeuge klicken. Das ist genau da aber auch schwierig den zu erwischen. Das war aber bei allen teilen bis jz so. Früher sind halt 20 Mann Richtung Tank gerannt und der schnellste hat ihn erwischt.
Ich spreche von unter der Runde, da ist die Gewichtung eine andere und es ist viel leichter den Tank zu ergattern

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 01.03.2017, 08:55

achso, er meint bei Runden-beginn. Hm, krieg ich aber auch ab&an einen Flieger o. Tank - natürlich seltener als in der Runde beim Respawn. Das hängt wahrscheinlich am Rundenanfang auch mit dem Clientpc und der Leitung zusammen, wer als erstes einen bekommt.
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Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 01.03.2017, 18:22


Today we are kicking off what we've chosen to call the Battlefield Roots Initiative (BRI)! Within this project we are going to target areas important to experienced players and veterans of Battlefield.

We will discuss issues, improve features and reach conclusions. We will disagree, and we will have fierce discussions - but we feel it's high time we start to focus on this now!

In the near future we will be expanding on this through direct communication, so if you know of a great representative you think we should be talking to - let us know!


We will start looking at our teamplay gameplay and loops - we feel there are several places where we can do a better job here, and we will probably need to experiment and do some pretty controversial changes to accommodate this going forward. The goal here is to take what we have, fix obvious issues - and improve the teamplay aspects, including depth, communication and teaching players how it works.


With They Shall Not Pass (XP1) We knew we had several maps with heavy chokepoints (Like Fort De Vaux) - which creates some really tense and hectic gameplay - but also comes with its slew of problems.

Challenge 1: Explosive spam

In the retail game we currently have a problem with grenades and how much they affect general gameplay (it's to put it in player words - spammy). We needed to fix this for the XP1 release, but the time was short in supply, so we had to split the solution up in pieces.

Long Term Goals

Our long-term plan is to improve the utility of ammo crates and pouches. We want ammo gadgets to matter for all players in all situations, as soon as they spawn in.

We think the current system does not achieve this, as ammo usually only comes into play when you spam gadgets or survive long enough. We also want to address the gadget spam and frustration stemming from the current way resupplies are handled.

For the near future, we are looking into tweaking the passive regeneration times of some grenades vs average player lifetime, which might currently be on the short end, and the effect of smoke grenades.

What have we done now?

Changed resupply mechanic for grenades from hard reliance on ammo to cooldown-based with significant acceleration from ammo crates
Temporarily disabled Ammo Pouches resupplying grenades
Reduced all grenade ammo to 1
Small tweaks to Mini, Impact, Incendiary and Light AT grenades

Why did we do the resupply tweaks?

Limit the amount of grenades players get when constantly resupplied by support players, without having to resort to very long and bad timers like in BF4 (Illustration: BFFs - Grenade Resupply (Season 5E12) - YouTube).
Prevent support players from resupplying themselves quickly to spam grenades. A single support player could easily block a choke point indefinitely with incendiary grenades. Spam like this is no longer possible.
Better balance between grenades: We no longer have to spawn players with multiple grenades because the single hit/burst damage is weaker. This gives us much more granularity for balance. The most notable example here are gas grenades, which come with one grenade only now and have less availability than smoke grenade (previously, availability was exactly the same).
Staying alive should not be inferior to dying a lot when it comes to ammo availability.

What are our current findings?

The duration it takes for grenades to be actively resupplied seems to be in a good state. We do not expect bigger changes in general to be necessary here.
The duration it takes for smoke grenades to regenerate on their own seems fine. You get close to 100% uptime and more grenades per life than previously even if you are unlucky about finding ammo. As grenades that cannot deal damage, smokes should have high availability.
The amount of grenade kills per time for Soissons and Rupture is comparable to similar maps of the base game. The amount of grenade kills per time for Fort de Vaux is high, but there are no comparable maps in the base game.

What is up next for testing?

Gather more data on grenade kills per time and average infantry player lifetime.
Balance the passive resupply times based on the collected data. Players should not get too many grenades passively during the average lifetime. Some passive resupply times are likely to go up a little.
Look into making the cooldown mechanic more ********* to reduce grenade availability on Fort de Vaux specifically.
Improve smoke grenades. You should not require two at a time for them to be viable. Test expanding the visual effect and improve system for distribution.

What are testing plans beyond that?

Make sure team mates cannot spot targets for you if your line of sight is occluded by smoke. This makes the effect of smoke on spotting inconsistent.
Create a proper gas AOE system. While we currently could prevent gas from damaging through walls, it would also get blocked by rocks and small pillars, making it very inconsistent. There is no way for gas to creep around objects as expected.
We want to take care of gadget spam. Expect ammo count adjustments and a few damage increases where it makes sense.
The overall system of resupplies is currently not working as intended. The best squad composition to fight a tank is to bring 5 assault players. 3 assault players combined with a medic and support should beat that, but usually it does not. We want ammo gadgets to matter for all players, no matter how long you stay alive. Ammo should be relevant the moment you spawn in. Medic players are rarely affected by ammo unless they run rifle grenades. However, a support player can currently allow a medic to fire 12 rifle grenades in a row with almost no delay. This should not be possible.
Tweak the balance between Ammo Crates and Ammo Pouches. In general, pouches are better and allow for more abuse currently.
We want to improve the clarity of being resupplied. The game should let you know what is being resupplied and how much longer it will take.
We also want to improve clarity to support player regarding which players are the lowest on ammo, so they can prioritize accordingly.
Additionally, we want to reduce the impact of support and medic players not paying attention to their team mates.
And many, many more things - but let's focus on one area at a time!

Reference values & Context

Type Old resupply time New resupply time (active) New resupply time (passive)
Grenade 6s / 1 grenade 12s / 1 grenade 36s / 1 grenade
Frag/Stick 6s / 1 grenade 12s / 1 grenade 36s / 1 grenade
Light AT 6s / 1 grenade 12s / 1 grenade 36s / 1 grenade
Incendiary 6s / 1 grenade 12s / 1 grenade 36s / 1 grenade
Impact 6s / 1 grenade 12s / 1 grenade 36s / 1 grenade
Gas 8s / 2 grenades 9s / 1 grenade 27s / 1 grenade
Mini 8s / 2 grenades 8s / 1 grenade 24s / 1 grenade
Smoke 8s / 2 grenades 6s / 1 grenade 18s / 1 grenade
Some numbers for comparison:

Respawn time in Conquest: 15 s
Health regeneration duration: 10 s delay, 20 s to restore 100 health
Medical Crate/Bandage Pouch healing duration: 8 seconds to restore 100 health


That concludes our first, and pretty meaty update! Once XP1 testing is over on the CTE we will start testing more of these features (and others we'll talk about later)!

If you have a great idea, an area you've been irritated about and have constructive ideas or criticism about - please let us know in this thread!

David "t1gge" Sirland, Lars "IlCarpentero" Gustavsson
byby - Gas Granade :cry:
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Registriert: 24.06.2005, 19:06

Beitrag von tequilio » 13.03.2017, 00:22

http://vgpwn.com/battlefield-1-revive-b ... -be-fixed/

Der revive bug soll wiedermal gelöst werden

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 13.03.2017, 07:14

Damit er beim nächsten Patch wieder drin ist :wink:
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Beitrag von KidStealth » 13.03.2017, 18:35

Roland von Gilead hat geschrieben:Damit er beim nächsten Patch wieder drin ist :wink:
nicht so schnell, erstmal müssen sie ihn überhaupt wegbekommen :hehehe:

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 17.03.2017, 10:27

der revive Bug ist mir nicht mehr aufgefallen scheint wohl weg zu sein, dafür wird man bei wiederbeleben in die Richtung des Sanis gedreht. So das ich nach jedem Revive erst mal Orientierungsprobleme habe und direkt wieder ins Gras beiße, früher hatte man ja eine geringe Chance wenn man im Kampf gebieten wiederbelebt wurde, den Gegner zu treffen - das ist jetzt sehr schwierig.

Und keine Patch ohne neue Bugs!

- in der Queue bevor ich einen Server joine, fliege ich regelmäßig raus wenn ich in der Wartezeit minimiere und woanders surfe.
- bin gestern zwischen durch einmal vom Server geflogen, ich hoffe das war eine Ausnahme - passiert mir sonst nie!
- ich kann jetzt jedes mal die Medaille neu auswählen, weil man mir immer die Frontlinienmedaille aktiviert, obwohl ich nur Conquest spiele und lieber eine Medaille mach die ich zwar schon habe, aber Punkte bringt.
- die Waffenfreischaltung ist Buggy Beispiel Support für das LMG - in der Übersetzung steht 15 Headschots, gemeint sind aber 15 Kills in einer Runde mit der 1909. OK, das ging dann 15 Kills gemacht und heute sind alle wieder auf 0 gesetzt also erst die Mörserkills machen das setzt sich nicht auf Null zurück.
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Beiträge: 2131
Registriert: 24.06.2005, 19:06

Beitrag von tequilio » 18.03.2017, 15:45

Roland von Gilead hat geschrieben:der revive Bug ist mir nicht mehr aufgefallen scheint wohl weg zu sein, dafür wird man bei wiederbeleben in die Richtung des Sanis gedreht. So das ich nach jedem Revive erst mal Orientierungsprobleme habe und direkt wieder ins Gras beiße, früher hatte man ja eine geringe Chance wenn man im Kampf gebieten wiederbelebt wurde, den Gegner zu treffen - das ist jetzt sehr schwierig.
Sehe ich gar nicht so eng, ich finds nicht schlecht, da ich wenn ich den Ton vom rezzen höre, mich sofort bewege und somit auch direkt aus dem Schussfeld komme.
Wiederbeleben unter Dauerfeuer war immer schon ein fast sicherer Tot... so hat man zumindest die Möglichkeit davon zu kommen und neu anzugreifen.

Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 21.03.2017, 08:24

Ja, aus der Sicht gar nicht mal verkehrt - kommt man schneller aus der Gefahrenzone!

ABER nach dem Patch ist vor dem Patch --> Neuerungen in der CTE neue Waffen:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPhKfNv ... e=youtu.be

Martini-Henry Sniper :wow:

Hellriegel mit 120 Schuss Magazin und Zweibein :eek:

Huabot mit Visier :happy:

Und das neue Medic Incoming System - verhindert vielleicht das zu schnelle weg drücken wenn medic auf dem Weg zu einem ist!
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Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 31.03.2017, 08:50

Diese Änderungen kommen wohl alle mit dem nächsten Patch(es?) was dann alles wieder nicht geht, dürfen wir selber herausfinden :lol:

Here are today's notes for the update. Please keep the feedback coming!

Tweaked scoring values for capturing flags in Conquest. Capturing gives less score now, however more capture ticks have been added and the team controlling more than 3 flags than the other team will be awarded Conquest Control bonuses.

Decreased the percentage of contribution to flag capture/neutralize from 50% to 30%.

Collision fixes on Amien and Forest. Fixed some well known glitch spots.

Fixed an issue which allowed players to get on top of the Argonne Forest bunker. Reported by Redditors.

Fixed issue where players could get in the Char 2C behemoth before it finished deploying and later teleported back.

Fort De Vaux, Rush:

Moved the first MCOM in the 3rd sector closer to the attackers and adjusted some spawn distances due to high rate of successful defenders.
Fixed bug with invisible collision in a corridor on Fort de Vaux.
Fixed bug not being able to revive on top of the drainage systems on Fort de Vaux.

Rupture, Rush:

Moved the attacker tank from the first sector to the 3rd sector.

Rupture, Breakthrough:

Balance adjustments related to the results from telemetry. Basically weakening the defense of the first and third sector.

Soissons, Rush:

Generally weakend the defenders by adjusting their spawns in the first and 3rd sector. Soissons, Breakthrough:
Added an additional AA gun for the defenders on the last sector to balance the attackers vehicles. Soissons, Conquest:
Adjusted the size of some of the capture areas (made them bigger in general).
Reduced the amount of tanks from 4 to 3 per team and moved one of the 3 tank spawns to the closest capture point (A and E). By this, the enemy team can deny them and influence the tank situation on the map. It also adds more value to points that get less attentions by the players.
Increased the tank respawn time to add more value to their use.
Reduced the airplanes per team from 2 to 1.
Reduced the hero kit spawn respawn time.

Fixed a bug around one of the fieldguns and fixed an issue related to spawn camping.

Did additional balance changes due to feedback and telemetry for Conquest and Breakthrough on Soissons.

Toned down exposure indoors on Soissons.

Verdun Heights, Operations:

Attacker tickets, 64 player Operations changed from 250 to 350
Attacker Howitzer, first sector now spawns after 5 minutes of the first battalion
Combat area and spawnpoint tweaks
Added craters in fields near forest
Reduced Elite kits respawn time from 30 sek to 0 Verdun Heights, Conquest:
Elite kits: reduced respawn delay from 30 seconds to 0 in HQ.
Spawn tweaks to balance teams. Weather system tweaks on Verdun Heights. Fixed multiple collision issues.


Fixed the airplanes throttle input mapping in Lefty buttons + Legacy Southpaw stick combo.

Fixed wrench repair health status indicator freezing while repairing.

Stopping the firing sound of the repair tool when the vehicle is fully repaired.

Moved weapon components for St Chamond equipment from under the vehicle to near the top to allow them to be used in shallow water.

Increased AA cannon blast damage multiplier against planes:

Fighter: 0.8 from 0.7
Attack Plane: 0.75 from 0.7
Bomber: 0.65 from 0.6

Fixed incorrectly low damage of rockets against other planes.

Increased sniper rifle damage multiplier against planes:

Fighter: 1.2 from 1
Attack Plane: 0.9 from 0.75
Bomber: 0.375 from 0.3125
Increased inner blast radius of AA cannons from 4 to 6 meters when the detonation is triggered by a vehicle.
Removed impact impulse from plane MGs. Ranken Darts:
Increased reload time from 12 to 15 seconds
Decreased blast damage from 20 to 16.7
Decreased blastradius from 3 to 1.5 meters
Direct damage no longer hurts soldiers


Fix for Martini Henry Sniper firing the SP bullet in MP.

Increased magazines for smoke grenades from 1 to 2 set passive replenish limit for grenades to 0.

Fixed position of rib sight for 12g Auto.

Added folded bayonet to Automatico when no bayonet is equipped instead of completely removing it.

Wrong weapon skin can sometimes appear on the killcam.

Reduced damage of AT Grenades against standard soldiers by 10%.

Grenade changes:
Added a 0.3 s throw delay to all grenades
Reduced the outer blast radius of the following grenades:

Frag/Stick: 6.3 from 7.0
Impact/Min/Light ATi: 5.6 from 6.0

Increased fuze timings on the following grenades:

Mini/Frag/Stick: 1.4 s minimum delay from 1.3 s, 0.85 s fuze from 0.7 s
Impact: 1.2 s minimum delay from 1.0 s
Incendiary: 1.4 s minimum delay from 1.3 s
Rifle Frag: 0.8 s fuze from 0.7 s

Fixed Hellriegel Muzzle VFX.

Fixed scope DoF overlay issue on the Martini Henry Sniper.

Fixed incorrect gunsway modifiers for Huot Automatic Optical.

Do not let grenades collide with team mates within 10m.

Fix for flickering water in SLI.

Added swimming transition times to pose changes.

Map voting as default on for official experiences.

Fixed a bug where vaulting could be triggered while transitioning into prone.

Move server side hit detection high ping indicator into upper right corner instead of beneath crosshair.

Fix threshold for red fps icon to be below half the tick rate as up until then we execute 2 sim steps per frame which will see the game still work fine.

Average FPS and not display icons when you got a stall.

Improve kill trades to accept it only if a shooter got his bullet off in time before he died. This will also prevent hits from a visually dead soldier.

Bring hit back in sync with shooters position. Many complaints from community that you receive the hit and don't see the shooter yet.

Ensure we update the ping right from the getgo and do not wait 5s.

Fix bullet update spawning the blood effect on the previous position while preserving hit detection accuracy (do not skip when spawned this frame but process in postframe instead of preframe which misses the effect).

Prioritize playerview and own soldier if just died higher to make sure it gets updated over other soldiers. It seems sometimes the playerview misses the packet and presents delayed info.

Fixed issue where input could stop working after vaulting in rare cases.

Changed FPS icon to turn red to half the tickrate (for 60hz when fps drops below 30)
https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_li ... th_update/
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Roland von Gilead
verdammt coole sau
Beiträge: 13250
Registriert: 02.07.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: wo die Kühe wilder als die Frauen sind !

Beitrag von Roland von Gilead » 25.04.2017, 07:58

Heute kommt der frühlingspatch, kurz zusammen gefasst:

- netcode Verbesserungen
- besserer Serveradmin Support
- 4 neue bessere Waffen der LVL 10 Klassen Waffen ( hellriegel, Martinie Henry etc.) Todo dazu - wohl 200 Kills der Vorgängerwaffe
- besseres Medic System (medics können die leute spotten wenn sie diese retten wollen)
- 19 neue Ribbons, 5 neue Dogtags, Anderes Punktesystem bei Conquest
- platoons

- wahrscheinlich neue alte Bugs :hehehe:

https://www.battlefield-inside.de/2017/ ... ng-update/
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