Wot Patch News: 8.9 Neuer Kompanie Modus
Neuer Kompanie Modus deutsche Erklärung
Folgende Infos:
Team Battle – a new game mode,
introduced into World of Tanks. The name of the mode is ‘Team Battle’ and it can be placed somewhere between platoon and company battles.
The idea of the Team Battle is to unite 5-7 players into a team to battle against a comparable enemy team.
Basic Rules:
The maximum length of a battle is 10 minutes.
Battle type – Standard. Encounter and Assault battles won't be added to this mode for now.
Each team can pick vehicles no higher than Tier 8 and no more than 42 points in total cost. Tier 1 vehicles cost 1 point, Tier 2 – 2 points, Tier 3 – 3 points, etc.
A standard team consists of 7 players. Teams consisting of 5 or 6 players are permitted to participate, but the team will lose 1 point for each missing player.
This new mode will be available for all players, and will bring a new experience to the game - smaller teams means more room for tactics, and ensures that each player is required to contribute in order to win the battle.
In addition, a team will need a skillful commander and good team play.
The key feature of this game mode is that the battles will be conducted between teams of similar skill levels. A special software mechanic will be used to calculate the various parameters for players and teams.
This means the mode will be interesting, both for beginners who will be able to compete with players of their own level, and for veterans who will also easily find worthy opponents.
Each player will be able to join a team or create one on their own (just like in tank companies), or to use the auto-selection feature.
In this case, an automatic search will be performed to look for a team for the player and/or for missing players for an already existing team.
More information about the Team Battle mode will be provided very soon. Follow the news on the official World of Tanks portal!
Dazu wiederum auf FTR folgende News:
What is not mentioned however is that the 7/42 mode will run on following maps: Lakesville, Abbey, Prokhorovka, Mines, Ruinberg, Steppes, Himmelsdorf , Ensk and Cliff. The mode of these maps will be only standard for now (no assaults or encounters). As for XP and credit gains, it will work just like in random for now (eg. no company bonuses).
- Storm states in comments that the 7/42 companies will be recruited both manually and automatically – the commander of the company will be able to assign a part of the company slots manually, the rest gets filled automatically. A player can either enter manually in such a team (SS: like in current companies), or simply be assigned automatically.
- both teams will be balanced based on their members’ skill
- skill will NOT be rated based on the new WG “personal rating”, but on separate (hidden and secret) “cybersports rating”, based only on this type of battle mode
- it’s possible that regular companies will too get automatic player search
- there will be separate statistic page in the Achievements tab for 7/42 stats only
- it will be possible to actually appoint a commander, commanders will also get some sort of commander rating
- you will be able to use the same crews as for random battles
- Q: “7/42 companies are reaction on competition” A: “Don’t write bullshit”
- 8.9 test will come soon
- the 7/42 companies will be possible to enter via updated battle selection button
"Ich denke das Interessanteste daran dürfte das Skillbasiert MM sein, da bin ich mal gespannt wie diese WG Vollfosten das umsetzen, ich ahne schlimmes
Ich drück uns die Daumen das WG, mal was richtig macht, , NICHT!!!"
Wot Patch News: 8.9 Neuer Kompanie Modus
Moderator: [WoT] Leitung
- [FtN|GT] hallo
- Geschäftsmodell
- Beiträge: 888
- Registriert: 30.09.2004, 15:29
- Wohnort: Bayern / Amberg
Das da irgendwas per Skill zusammen gewürfelt wird kannste vergessen. Die möglichkeiten aus die der Matchmaker auswählen kann sind bei diesen Minikompanien einfach zu klein. Selbst wenn da nu doppelt soviele leute fahren würden als jetzt kompanien, dann würde man immer noch ewig warten. Und umso länger man warten muss, umso mehr Regeln setzt der Matchmaker außer kraft. Am schluss bekommste das gleiche MM wie jetz, nur das du länger gewartet hast.
- [FtN|FH] Galli
- Kuschelaligator
- Beiträge: 6332
- Registriert: 21.07.2004, 22:24
- Wohnort: GE
7/42 hat mir in der ESL schon am wenigsten Spaß gemacht, die Teams werden vorhersehbar wahrscheinlich eh wieder aus...
3x AMX 50 100
2x T69 oder AMX 13 90
2x T1 Cunningham
... bestehen und das ist die Pure Langeweile mit schwuttigen Autoloader-Setups.
3x AMX 50 100
2x T69 oder AMX 13 90
2x T1 Cunningham
... bestehen und das ist die Pure Langeweile mit schwuttigen Autoloader-Setups.
Galli, proud member of the "Erdferkel-Gilde"
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